
Shamanic healing is done by penetrating four levels that affect the human body; the physical level, the mental level, the spiritual level, and the energetic level.

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The consultations  includes detecting the causes of a client’s energetic imbalance. Various approaches can then be used to help reestablish understanding, and well-being on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Evaluation Session

The normal human has about 3-5 energetic imprints that effects his life directly, so usually in the first session for YOU I will evaluate your Luminous Energy Field and define any energetic imprints that you may have, I find and what are they related to in your reality (relationships patterns, financial aspect, health issues, personal characteristics and any other aspects of your life), and after that I will rebalance your energy centers (Chakras) and reset the flow of your energy.

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The Illumination Process

This is the center of the shaman healing practice; after discussing the issue needed to be handled I determine which chakra of the seven is related to this issue, then removing the energy blocks and dark patches associated with repeated negative patterns, then washing the Chakras with divine energy from above. The focus is to move that energy out of the body using breath work, visualization and intention. This Energy healing technique helps restore balance and Chakras spinning into its natural form, that reflects on the physical body.

Cord Cutting

People are connected by invisible and powerful cords, such like babies empirical cords. Cords usually are connected to energy centers or Chakras in the body. If any cords are connecting the client to others in toxic, painful ways such as people’s relationships with ex-partners is detected a cord cutting technique is implemented to heal the client’s body from negative energies, returning to them with light and love.


Decoupling is an energetic technique to help the client disengage the fight or flight system, which is the body’s response to fear/stress. Decoupling retunes the pace of the 2nd Chakra (the second energy center) to align it with the heart. Decoupling informs the adrenals to stop sending adrenaline into the Bloodstream, reducing the production of the stress hormone, Cortisol, which creates inflammation and imbalance in the body as well as harming brain cells. Decoupling changes the entire system allowing the client’s to experience safety, rest, and inner peace.

Bands of Power

Bands of Power, think of them as a shield of light protecting the body, they are energetic bands of light for protection that the Shaman wraps around as energy centers around the body, these bands connected to the power of spirit and the elements of earth, air, fire, water, and wind can protect the client from emotional attack or negative charge coming towards them.


Extraction is a safe and effective technique of removing energies that block the energy circulation that can manifest in physical discomfort. So if crystalized energy (dark and sharp stuck energy) is detected, the client accordingly will undergo an extraction process that suits the nature of the identified energy and then healed with divine energy.

Soul Retrieval

When a person faces to a strong trauma, especially in childhood, this leads to the so-called partial loss of the soul, as here the person loses part of his identity and soul, and this makes him live in a state of losing the desire to live life fully and to become fearful and cautious, this prevents him from living his life fully, and here comes the role of this session to restore this lost part of the soul so that the person can return to his life and live with his full identity as he desires.
